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May Event

“Hearty congratulations to ASIE on organizing an awesome event and inviting Dr. Karun Sreerama as a Keynote Speaker and PWE Director of City of Houston. As Dr. Sreerama mentioned in his remarks and I agree that ASIE put sincere efforts and it is the result of a large turnout ever before. The heads have turned towards ASIE among the professional community. It takes lot of time, talents and dedication to make an event a success. Well today’s event was a grand success!!!”

- Ravi Raj Yanamandala, M.S., M.B.A., P.E., the President of Geotest Engineering, Inc.

“The event was a great success with enormous attendance. The speech from our Keynote Speaker was very informative and meaningful. In short the ASIE did a great job, as it says – leadership matters. Looking forward for future meetings.”

- Lalit Sheth, Retired Engineer and ASIE 2017 New Member

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