Legal and Technical Seminars Organized by ASIE

Legal and Technical Seminars Organized by ASIE

NR_2015 ICC Leaders Conference
ASIE leaders attended ICC leadership conference
ASIE leaders attended the Annual Leadership conference hosted by India Culture Centre (ICC) in association with other Indo American associations aimed at bringing a paradigm shift in developing leadership. Centered on the theme ‘Developing Leadership’, Leader’s Conference 2015 witnessed a full house on Saturday, July 11, at the India House. Without the vision, best of the causes are lost. With a mission to foster and accelerate the smoother coordination between Indo American organizations and individuals of Indian origin, ICC hosts Leadership conferences every year to instill the need of visionary leaders in all spheres of life, including non-profits.
There were three speakers for the conference. Our own past President of ASIE, Sanjay Ram was one of the speaker. He has 20 years of experience in providing engineering, management and master planning services to the Industrial and Governmental market segments. Having been the Principal-In-Charge of a $1 billion global consulting firm, where he managed an Infrastructure Business Practice across multiple states. He was honored as one of the 2012 Ten Outstanding Young Americans by the United States Junior Chamber. He spoke emphatically on ‘Servant Leadership’. Peppering his talk with quotes from famous personalities, he said ‘An essential part of the American dream is Civic engagement’. It is crucial to have inclusive growth strategy and implementation to ensure global development. Few ice breaking exercises were done to create an inclusive environment. He quoted a quote from Max De Pree – ‘The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say Thank You. In between the leader is a servant ’.
Second, speaker was Parul Fernandes, a Higher Education Consultant with XPAN International, ex- Director of International Studies, University of Houston. Parul highlighted on the seven effective habits essential for developing the leadership skills.
The final speaker of the highly engaging conference was Pinakin Jaradi who has worked in Shell and Chevron oil & gas companies for 30+ years in the positions of senior integration consultant, advisor, business manager, and project manager. “Emotional Intelligence separates the star and the average leader by more than 90% at the higher level of leadership. Self-awareness, Self-control, Self-motivation, empathy and social skill formed the basics of Emotional Intelligence’, said Pinakin while explaining the importance of the Emotional intelligence in leadership. The good news was that Emotional Intelligence would be cultivated by appropriate training and conditioning.
ASIE members and leaders who attended the conference include Raj Basavaraju, Dinesh Shah, Showri Nandagiri, Hasmukh Doshi, Poolkeshi Patel, Vishal Merchant, Naresh Kolli, Madhu Kilambi, Sai Gowthami Asam, Sekhar Ambadapudi, Ravi Arora, Ram Gupta, Ben Bansal and Mahesh Wadhwa. They all ineed took with them the umpteen pearls of wisdom freely distributed through the medium of leadership conference, one was left wondering on how the world would change if each one practiced these leadership traits.

NR_2015 Sanjay Felicitation
HOUSTON: A rebel rousing from the Chairman of the Metro Board energized the crowd that had come together to heap praise on one of its own as the Indo American Chamber of Commerce held a reception for the newest appointee Sanjay Ram this past Thursday evening, July 8 at the HESS Club on Westheimer over cocktails and appetizers, the Indian ones catered by Dawat Catering.
Chairman Gilbert Garcia, not one for pomp and circumstance, in an open-necked shirt (“Why didn’t you wear your jacket?” ribbed Mayor Annise Parker during group pictures later) and egged on the crowd to loud cheers. “This is a celebration!” he shouted, adding “Sanjay, you have to be careful for what you want because you may get it!” He was referring to Ram’s recent appointment to the Metro Board by the Mayor. “We have a new wing man,” continued Garcia, “and that’s Sanjay Ram.” Ram will complete the remaining term (till April 2016) of Board member Allen Watson who resigned earlier.
Ram responded he was ready to be that wing man, as he warmed the crowd up before Parker arrived late, from a later than usual CIP meeting at City Hall. Ram thanked fellow-members Texas Lyceum (a statewide bi-partisan policy group) who had come for the event as the others who had been involved with during his stints with numerous boards and organizations in Houston. ‘In India, public transportation left a big impression in my life,” quipped Ram. “All I wanted to do was grown up and drive a bus! Now that I’ve grown up, I realize there are other ways to get people to their destinations.”
As he winded down, Parker arrived and took the podium to declare that she was proud of all her appointees to the Metro Board as they had restored credibility with their unique skills. She lauded Ram for his special skills and long list of community involvement. “I have appointed three engineers now, and Sanjay is the most extroverted,” she quipped, “but Gilbert is the best choice I have made,” pointing to the Chairman.
Current IACCGH President Ashok Garg commended Ram, who was the President last year. “We are proud of where you are now, Sanjay,” he said. “You are an outgoing person, brilliant, a born leader, witty, yet always approachable.” Raj Basavaraju, the President of the American Society of Indian Engineers and Architects said the Ram was a shining example for other young professionals.
Dick Huebner, who was head of the Houston Minority Business Council for almost 4 years, lavished more praise. Long-term IACCGH Executive Director Jadgip Ahluwalia complimented Ram for his work with the Chamber and revealed that Ram had just left his firm for other opportunities yet undisclosed.
Indian Consul General Parvathaneni Harish was full of admiration for “the wonderful and unique city of Houston. Diversity and integration is ingrained in the DNA of the City.” He reminded the crowd that “for Indians arriving in the US, the first port-of-call is universities and the STEM disciplines”, alluding to his oft mentioned refrain that they should try to return to their Motherland to teach, on short-term sabbaticals from work, in short-staffed universities in the Old Country. “Your mother’s wait to go back to India,” he added with a chuckle, “will be longer now!”

NR_2015 New President Elected
HOUSTON: American Society of Indian Engineers and Architects known as ASIE is a Greater Houston Area based non-profit organization for engineers, architects, designers, and engineering technicians. ASIE provides a forum to assist its members in career advancement by providing opportunities for networking through continuing educational seminars, workshops and field trips. Every year, ASIE support engineering and science education by volunteering in Mathcounts competition, volunteering as judges during Science & Engineering Fair of Houston and giving out Awards to students in Junior, Ninth & Senior Divisions based on their projects. ASIE also awards scholarships every year to students pursuing undergraduate & graduate degrees in engineering programs from public universities in the Greater Houston Area.
The administration of ASIE organization consist of nine Board members and four Advisory Council members. This year five nominations were required for the board and two for the council, as the rest of them are continuing from 2014. Since all nomination received were equal to the elected positions available, the Election Officer Ashish Baga declared all seven nominees Elected Uncontested without any formal voting.
ASIE named Raj Basavaraju, MBA, PE, as President for the year 2015. He is a life member of ASIE since 2012 and has been playing an active role. He possesses a MS degree in engineering from Iowa State University since 2001 and MBA from University of Maryland in 2009. He works at RK & K as a Project Manager.
The 2015 ASIE Board comprise of Executive Committee include all continuing members of the board from 2014 are Raj Basavaraju – President, Naresh Kolli – Vice President, Sai Gowthami – Secretary, and Rajesh Tolikonda – Treasurer, and the rest of the Board of Directors are the newly elected members include Phoolkeshi Patel, Dinesh Shah, Madhu Kilambi, Chetan Vyas, and Hari Jaiswal. Under his leadership, Raj has appointed various board members and members to several committees which include Membership, IT, Fundraising, Program, Public Relations, Scholarships, Student Member, Young Engineer, and Account Review Committee.
For the Advisory Council, Ravi Arora and Showri Nandagiri were newly elected, while Ram Gupta and Abraham (Roy) Joseph are continuing from last year.
“I am honored to be elected as President for 2015. We have had an excellent year including 20th Anniversary Gala under the leadership of Sekhar Ambadapudi as a 2014 President. I will try my level best to keep up the momentum. I would like to congratulate all the elected Board Members as well as Advisors, and with their support, I will bring ASIE to the next higher level.” said Raj Basavaraju.

NR_2013 Class of Eminent Professionals
American Society of Indian Engineers (ASIE) is a Houston, Texas based non-profit organization established in 1994 for engineers, architects, and designers of Indian origin. After laying a solid foundation for the future, the senior professionals of ASIE decided to take the organization to the next level and focusing on Building the Future together with the younger generation. In appreciating the hidden jewels, who had made a difference, the ASIE organized a special event, honoring senior engineers and architects for their community service. The Annual Dinner and Awards Ceremony event was held on Friday, June 14 at the banquet hall of Sankalp Restaurant in Sugar Land, Texas packed with 140 people. With a generous sponsorship by Virendra Bansal, the current member of Advisory Board, this first time ever happened an event was a magnificent success.
The event started with networking and social hour. ASIE President Vishal Merchant made the welcome address with brief information of ASIE, which was followed by wonderful presentation of awardees. In his opening remarks he said, “This year we will recognize 11 professional engineers and architects for their illustrious careers, accomplishments, ingenuity, entrepreneurship and contributions to the Indo-American Society and the society as a whole. These Honorees come from different walks of the engineering and architectural fields, however they share one thing in common and that is their dedication to their disciplines. This enthusiasm and commitment has resulted in decades of creativity and thousands of projects not only in Houston, but all over the country. We the young generation, look up to them as our role models and inspiration as we move forward in our professional careers.”
Sam Kannappan, the current board member of Texas Board of Professional Engineers, and other distinguished guests presented the award to each honoree. It was very interesting to learn the history form each honoree from their individual remarks. The entire event was further evidence of a successful growth of the ASIE and its vision to reach out more and more professionals who work and practice in the Greater Houston Area. ASIE President Vishal Merchant, a young dedicated engineer and his enthusiastic members of the committee organized the first time ever event with the help of some of the senior members to honor eleven professionals for their outstanding contributions to the local industry and also to the Indo-American Community. After the buffet dinner served by Sankalp, the program was concluded with vote of thanks.
Front row (L-R) Hasmukh Doshi, Ben Bansal, Jasbir Singh Sethi, Ravi Arora, and Ramesh Garg.
Back row (L-R) ASIE Board member Raj Basavaraju, Dinesh Shah, Krishna Vavilala, ASIE current President Vishal Merchant, Rao Ratnala, Mahesh Wadhwa, and Narendra Gosain. Chad Patel was unable to attend.
Hasmukh Doshi
Mr. Doshi received a Civil Engineering Diploma in 1964 from the Government Polytechnic and a B. S. in Mechanical Technology in HVAC System Design in 1968 and B. S. in Civil Engineering in 1972 from the University of Houston. He is a Registered Professional Engineer and a Registered Professional Land Surveyor. He worked as a consultant for 10 years designing Water and wastewater treatment plants, Land Planning and Development, HVAC System Design and Land Surveying. He also worked for 17 years providing services to the Petrochemical Industries. He founded DOSHI ENGINEERING & SURVEYING COMPANY in 1998 to provide diversified consulting engineering services to Light Industrial and commercial projects. His community involvement includes: Boy Scouts of America – Troop Leader; Gujarati Samaj of Houston – Chairman of the Property Management; Jain Society of Houston – Trustee; Jain Vishwa Bharati Meditation Center – Director; American Society of Indian Engineers – First President, Advisor; and Friends and Families of India – Founding member.
Ben Bansal
Mr. Bansal is a Registered professional Civil Engineer in the State of Texas with years of experience in Engineering, Project Management, Construction Management, Teaching and Contracting. His projects include Municipal Engineering Infrastructure (Water/Wastewater/Storm/Drainage and Transportation), Airports, Petro-Chemical Refineries, Nuclear Power Plants, Institutional /Industrial /Commercial Buildings, Contracting. His employers include City Of Houston Public Works and Engineering, Schal Associates, Chicago, IL; Lummus /M.W. Kellogg, Houston, TX; Dravo Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA; Self Employed as Owner /Manager with Banco Interests Inc. and T.D.I. Group Inc., Houston; and University of Houston. Mr. Bansal is a Life Member of ASIE; Life Member of Hindu Worship Temple Society; and Vice Chair of India House, Inc. (a community based organization). He has participated in several community based fund raisers and actively involved in promoting Civil Engineering and Para Engineering disciplines (Testing /Inspection).
Jasbir Singh Sethi
Mr. Sethi has a B.S. C.E. Honors from Punjab Engineering College Chandigarh (1956); Gold Medal in Law (1966) from University of Gorakhpur; Management Diploma from UK; M.S.I.E (O.R.) from Rutgers University (1972); P.E. in M.E., C.E. He is passionately involved in various divisions of engineering and created his affiliations with globally known organizations such as CWPC (Central Water & Power Commission); Indian Railways; M.W.Kellogg, Brown & Root (Now KBR); Bechtel, Dow Chemicals, S&B and a few others. He was congratulated by the Mayor of Houston, in 2002, when the NRI Welfare Society of India (NGO) awarded “Hind Rattan (Jewel of India)”. Mr. Sethi been mentoring, inviting, and helping Indian Engineers to get well settled. Helped in setting up religious, cultural, entertainment and business presence of Indians and Indian Engineers in particular, and even pioneering IACC (Indo American Chamber of Commerce) that was instrumental in the First Indo-American Conference on Joint Tendering. All this spade work was instrumental in the birth of ASIE. His support to ASIE was never lacking, in membership drives, finding sponsors, educational scholarship programs, and other activities.
Ravi Arora
It has been said, anybody can spend money but it takes a special kind of person to donate his time. Mr. Arora graduated from Delhi College of Engineering in 1970 and came to the US in 1979. Began working for the Harris County Public Infrastructure Department (PID) in 1980 and received his professional engineering license in 1989. He went on to work for Harris County for 27 years before retiring. Working with various sections of Harris County PID such as Community Development, Capital Improvement Projects, and as the Manager of the Engineering Design Section, Mr. Arora gained valuable knowledge and insight pertaining to roads, bridges, development of community centers, parks and more. Over the past 34 years he has served the South Asian community in Houston through his volunteer work. Of these, Mr. Arora’s service to ASIE is one of utmost prominence. He has served as Treasurer, President and Advisor of ASIE from 1997-1999. His work with the organization has been instrumental in establishing it as an important contributor to the educational pursuits of children of Indian descent in the engineering field through its scholarship program. Currently, Mr. Arora is also volunteering with the Indian Senior Citizens Association and is actively working on a national convention for seniors with Indian heritage across USA.
Ramesh Garg
Mr. Garg has an MBA in International Business from University of Houston Main Campus, MS in Mechanical Engineering from University of Kansas, Lawrence, and BS in Mechanical Engineering from PEC Punjab University, Chandigarh. He is a Registered Professional Engineer, State of Texas. Mr. Garg has received DuPont and Fluor Awards for Innovation, Safety, Leadership, VIPs, Client Satisfaction, CPI and Excellence in Execution. He is also a National Merit and University Merit Scholarship holder in India. Mr. Garg has Senior Management Experience in managing operations and projects of global Owners and EPCs related to refineries, chemicals, industrials, and energy plants; Myers-Briggs ENTJ High Achiever with proven leadership and entrepreneurship skills; CPI and Knowledge Management Leader in driving paradigm shifts, better risk management, and raising performance bars. He has achieved personal success through superior communication skills, self-assured motivation in problem solving, and being a competitive team player with unquestionable integrity.
Dinesh Shah
Dinesh Shah has been a Houstonian since 1975. He and his son Pritesh Shah CCIM, operate SHAH COMPANIES, a commercial real estate development firm in Sugar Land. Dinesh is a Professional Civil-Structural Licensed Engineer and approved engineer to practice architectural. He possesses several other licenses and performs Property Tax Consulting and Windstorm Engineering design and inspection. With a MBA degree and over 35 years of design build experience, he has become a “Master of All” including Plan, Design, Build, Manage, and Own. He is not only a commercial real estate developer, but also a community developer. He is a sincere worker and a great humanitarian. With his technical experience and knowledge, he has provided community services for BAPS in Houston and Chicago, India House, Fort Bend Corps, and Child Advocate of Fort Bend. He is ASIE life member and serving as a Board of Advisor. Many recognitions and awards have been bestowed upon him. As a hobby, he writes press releases and articles related to real estate, politics, and engineering topics.
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Krishna Vavilala
Mr. Vavilala is a Life Member and a former President of ASIE (1997). He brought up the organization to the forefront and doubled its membership by staging a high profile ASIE GALA in South West Hilton Hotel that commemorated India’s 50th. Anniversary of independence. Instead of presenting a cultural show to celebrate the occasion, Mr. Vavilala thought it fit for ASIE as an Engineers’ organization to show case what a young and independent India had achieved in a relatively short period of time particularly in Space Technology. During Mr. Vavilala’s time, ASIE, for the first time, got the attention of main stream corporate advertisers like Texas Instruments, Compaq, Kvaerner John Brown, Houston Ship Repair Inc., Air India and the like, who contributed to the success of the GALA which was proclaimed by Houston Mayor, Robert Lanier as “ASIE DAY”. He helped promote ASIE membership drives and arranged Grant money for the ASIE scholarships. Mr. Vavilala has been a community worker and an incessant campaigner for India's causes in America. He has served the Indo-American community in an exemplary manner in numerous capacities during the past 38 years in America. At 76, he continues to be an active social worker to help the community.
Mahesh Wadhwa
With over 46 years in Architecture profession, Mr. Wadhwa started his career by working as a draftsman in the PWD of government of India. He has a BS in Architecture (1966). He moved to Houston in 1980 but was never satisfied working in a company and started his own consulting in Architecture in 1982 after working at an Engineering firm Procon. He worked out of the home office in Garage for couple of years and soon it was time in 1984 to move into an office building as business grew. Currently, President of Wadhwa and Associates an Architect/Engineering firm and recently celebrated 30 years of business. He has been providing Architect/Engineering services to developers and corporations. Mr. Wadhwa enjoys giving back to the community, always been a supporter of ASIE, the professional group of engineers and have suggested to expand the membership to a wider group of professionals that include Architects. Life member with ASIE, Judge for High School student competition in debates, Judge at Science Fair thru ASIE, supports and provides services to religious and cultural organizations including Hindu Worship Society, Sikh Center, India Culture Center, and VPSS.
Rao Ratnala
Mr. Ratnala immigrated to the U.S. in 1962 to continue his education and received BSCE (Hon.) from MSU in 1964 and MCE from VVA in 1966. In 1985 Mr. Ratnala started his own company, Ratnala Engineering, Inc., which was changed to Ratnala & Bahl, Inc. in 1993. Mr. Ratnala has provided professional engineering services to the Industrial, Commercial, and Governmental market segments for more than forty years. He has performed civil and structural engineering designs and managed many types of projects, including high-rise buildings, city and county roads and bridges, oil/gas and petrochemical production facilities (national and international), storm and sanitary sewers, and waterlines. Through application of his business expertise and his education Mr. Ratnala has been a key member of a successfully managed private business enterprise in a highly competitive business environment for the last 28 years. Convinced City of Houston’s Mayor Lee Brown, to install Gandhi Statue in Herman Park. Supported ASIE since 1990’s and helped move into corporate world and the mainstream organization.
Chad Patel
Mr. Patel has a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from M.S. University, Baroda, India and a Master’s degree from University of Houston. He is a Professional Engineer in the state of Texas. He has been working for KBR for the past 28 years. His current position is Chief Technical Advisor – Mechanical. He is currently in-charge of Metallurgy Group within the Office of the Chief Engineer at KBR. Mr. Patel has traveled around the world to more than 25 countries including China, Russia and countries in Europe, Middle East and Americas during his extensive career with KBR working on multimillion dollar projects. He is a recognized expert in Furnace Mechanical Design and subject matter expert on metallurgy. Mr. Patel joined ASIE in 1996 and held various board positions including the Presidency. He is also a community volunteer. Chad currently serves as Vice President of GOPIO - Global Organization for People of Indian Origin - Houston Chapter.
All these above are hidden jewels of ASIE and Indian Community, who has made a difference.

NR_2013 July Seminar
AMERICAN SOCIETY OF INDIAN ENGINEERS (ASIE), a Houston based organization for engineers, architects, designers, and engineering technicians, presented a technical seminar on July 18th at Sankalp Restaurant conference/banquet hall in Sugar Land. The presenter Danny Hale, regional Sales manager of ADS Inc., introduced Polypropylene Pipe (PP), new innovations in Sanitary Sewer & Storm Drainage Pipe Materials.
More than 60 technical professionals participated in this complimentary dinner seminar with a hour PDH credit. After half an hour of registration and social networking, each and everyone made a brief introduction. The current ASIE President Vishal Merchant warmly welcome all attendees and particularly appreciated the presence of new members. In his opening remarks, he briefly mentioned about the upcoming Event. ASIE will be teaming up with Asian American Engineers and Architects for the very first time, to host the Honorable Mayor of City of Houston, Mayor Annise Parker for a luncheon at the Wynden Hotel, located on Post Oak on August 15th. This year ASIE has pledged $10,000 scholarship program for local students of Indian Origin. Merchant added that “through our activities, we are building the future for our next generation by supporting and encouraging students and fresh new engineers. I sincere request senior engineers of entire Houston and all disciplines, to support ASIE by becoming member with nominal fees. For information about ASIE, please visit at”
After the delicious dinner served by Sankalp, Karthik Balasubramanian, the current executive member, introduced the speaker. Danny Hale made the video presentation for ADS piping material. He emphasized the innovative idea about PP pipe and compared with quality, exceptional performance and a significant economic benefit compared to traditional pipes used. After the Q and A session, Dinesh Shah and Ben Bansal presented a certificate of appreciation to the presenter and ADS representative respectively. With vote of thanks by Raj Basavaraju and lots of appreciation from the attendees, the two hours seminar was adjourned on time.

NR_2013 E-Week
The year 2013 started very busy for American Society of Indian Engineers (ASIE). In January, under the leadership of newly elected President Vishal Merchant, the year 2013 Executive committee was formed, which included Showeri Nandagiri as Vice president, Sekhar Ambadapudi as Secretary, and Karthik Balasubramanian as Treasurer. The current Board of Directors are Madhu Kilambi, Amal Dutta, Raj Basavaraju, Rajesh Tolikonda, and Chetan Vyas. The Board of Advisors include Srinivas Chintalapati, Hasmukh Doshi, Dinesh D. Shah, Virendra K Bansal, and Mahesh Wadhwa.
On February 2, ASIE volunteers participated at MATHCOUNTS competition sponsored by Texas Society of Professional Engineers (TBPE), which was held at Flour Corp in Sugar Land, by serving as Proctors and Graders. MATHCOUNTS is a national math enrichment, coaching & competition program that promotes middle school mathematics achievement in every U.S. state & territory. Schools select students to compete individually or as part of a team in one of the more than 500 written and oral competitions held nationwide. Top students advance to the state, and ultimately, national level.
On February 15, ASIE organized a two part event at Mayuri Restaurant, which was attended by over sixty members and was sponsored by Geotech Engineering and KIT professionals. The topic for the seminar was “Problem solving 102” by Dr. Saidas M. Ranade, who has obtained Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from University of Houston. The second part of the event was meet and greet with Indian Consul General Parvathaneni Harish.
The National Engineers Week 2013, known as EWeek was celebrated during February 17 to 23. The theme for the event was “Celebrate Awesome”, and it was definitely celebrated awesome and enabled the UH engineering students and organizations to receive an awesome about of money and recognition. About $57,000 was awarded to 72 students and 5 organizations from corporations, professional engineering organizations, Cougar engineers, and friends of UH. The 9-year total of cash awards passed the quarter million dollar mark at about $268,000. About 240 engineering students, alumni, faculty, staff, and sponsors attended this event. For this EWeek celebration, on February 19 during UH EAA Student Awards Banquet, ASIE presented “Indian Engineers Engineering the Future” award to two recipients. Navin Krishnasing and Sujan Patel were awarded with $ 500 scholarship. Navin has been an active participant in the Scholar Enrichment Program where he leads workshops to assist students enrolled in Physics. He is also a tutor for other students. He shows great potential for leadership in and out of the classroom. Sujan is an active member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and American Association of Drilling Engineers (AADE). He attended the Shell Drilling and Production Camp with the UH team and is active in the Scholar Enrichment Program and PROMES as a mentor for his peers. Ravi Arora presented the award to Sujan Patel and Hasmukh Doshi presented the second award to Navin Krishnasing.

NR_2013 YEOY
Young Engineer/Architect of the Year
With gradual increase of the membership, ASIE has seen more and more young engineers and architects actively participating in the organization. To encourage them to be actively involved with ASIE, the Young Engineer/Architect of the Year Award was started in 1998. These Young Engineers’ names are nominated for further recognition during the Houston Engineer’s Week celebrations, organized by Texas Society of Professionals Engineers (TSPE). Our congratulations go to Kartik Subramanian, P.E. for being awarded the ASIE Young Engineer/Arichitect of the Year 2014.
Karthik Balasubramanian receives Young Engineer of Year 2014 Award from Brent Baldwin, TSPE
Karthik is a Senior Civil/ Structural Engineer at Technip USA, Houston, Texas. He received a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering in 2004 from Bombay University in 2004, and a master’s degree in Environmental Engineering from Lamar University, Beaumont, in 2006. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Texas. Previously, he worked for KBR, Inc. for five and a half years as a Senior Technical Professional (civil). In February 2013, Karthik was awarded a “Recognition Certificate for Excellent Performance” in Jazan IGCC project for Saudi Aramco. His engineering experience includes civil, structural and infrastructure work for refinery, LNG terminals, natural gas basins, and integrated gasification coming (SPM), and Marine Simulation studies.
Other recipients of the award in the past five years are:
Year 2013 Vishal Merchant, P.E.
Year 2012 Srinivas Chintalapati, PhD, P.E.
Year 2011 Mohan Atluri, P.E.
Year 2010 Ashish Bagga, P.E.
Year 2009 Tanu Hiremath, P.E.

NR_2012 Diwali
HOUSTON: American Society of Indian Engineers (ASIE) is a Houston, Texas based non-profit organization established in 1994 for engineers, architects, and engineering technicians of Indian origin.
In the month of November, during the annual General Body meeting estimated fifty members out of about one hundred fifty membership selected Vishal Merchant as a President for 2013. He is a Project Manager at Aguirre & Fields, LP in Sugar Land. He was also selected as Young Engineer of the Year for 2013 by AISE. He is a Life Member and has served on the Board for three terms. His board comprises of Karthik Balasubhramanium, Amal Dutta, Sekhar Amadapuri, Showri Nandagiri, Madhu Kilambi, Rajesh Tolikonda, and Chetan Vyas. The ASIE Board of Advisors are Dinesh Shah, Hasmukh Doshi, two newly elected Mahesh Wadhwa and Virendra Bansal, and current President Srinivas Chintalapati. Due to term-limit the outgoing BOD Bhavna Patel and Naresh Kolli, and BOA members Ravi Arora and Ravi Kaleyatodi were honored with a large applaud for their dedicated service. “I am honored to be elected the President for 2013. We have had an excellent year under the leadership of Srinivas and I will try my level best to keep up the momentum. I would like to congratulate all the elected Board Members as well as Advisors” said President-Elect Merchant.
This year, ASIE organized Science and Engineering Fair at the Diwali holiday family social event at the Mayuri Restaurant. After the social hours, the current President Srinivas Chintalapati, an engineer at KIT professionals, Inc., welcome over hundred people included members and their families, and guests. A special welcome was extended to Consul Anil Matta with Counsul General of India, Houston, who has graciously accepted the invitation to attend the event as a Chief Guest.
Srinivas briefed about Awards and Scholarships, “American Society of Indian Engineers (ASIE) is a Houston based non-profit organization. ASIE was established in 1994 with specific objectives for engineers, architects, and engineering technicians of Indian origin. ASIE provides a forum to assist its members in career advancement by providing opportunities for networking through continuing educational seminars, workshops and field trips. Every year, we support engineering and science education in our communities by volunteering in Mathcounts competition, volunteering as judges during Science & Engineering Fair of Houston and giving out nine Awards to students in Junior, Ninth &Senior Divisions based on their projects.
Vishal Merchant receives “Young Engineer/Architect of the Year”award
ASIE also awards five scholarships every year to students pursuing undergraduate &graduate degrees in engineering programs from public universities in the Greater Houston Area.” He invited Consul Anil Matta, a Chief Guest, and Mr. Showri Nandagiri, an ASIE member and Chair for the Professional Development Committee, and the winners were honored with the award. The scholarships recipients were Maruti Kumar Mudunuri, Mukesh Rungta, Radhakrishnan Kotti, Manisha Parameshwaran, and Shyam Janakiraman.